Cindy DeGraw
Painting, Sculpture & Pottery
The art of diversity
I am a creative; I am an artist and creativeologist. I create my art incorporating all the senses inherent to each of us, I often create my own artistic challenges and then seek solutions.
I am a self-professed workaholic. I’ve always been an artist, but not always in an active capacity. In 1998, I had an unexpected calling to save the animals at your local animal shelter. It took the next 17 years and the help of many, to accomplish the goals of creating a new no-kill animal control shelter and in the newly constructed multimillion dollar, state of the art facility funded by and for the city of Leavenworth, Kansas. From field officer to administrator, the goals to save animals were accomplished. I was ready to retire and go back to my art.
My art work is diverse not only in materials and subject matter but also in styles and even genres. This eclectic mix draws a following with a wide variety of demographics, lifestyles, and beliefs. I thrive in the complexity and challenges of creating each piece of art. The creative process is as necessary to me as the air I breathe.
I cannot live without both.