Vickie Boggs
Painting & Drawing
Art and the creation of art in any form has long been an integral part of my life.
After 30 years of teaching, I have learned that life experiences, knowledge and emotional reactions are all a part of how one sees and portrays their art. While teaching, I learned to listen to my students and learn with them.
The process of creating art can be taught but the emotions, creative expression and how the artist portrays their work cannot. As I get older, I take great pride and thought in my work and how it reflects a part of me. How I feel as an “artist”, what is my thought process when creating a piece of art, and how it will affect those around me.
Presently, my work reflects a continual love of history of art and the knowledge of past styles and theory. I am amazed at the voracity of the Masters and how they continually created new styles and did so with such passion.
I have a great love of nature and landscape. I love to see the changes of the seasons and how these can be depicted in various mediums. My mediums of choice are graphite, colored pencil, pastel pen and ink, acrylic and watercolor. My style is forever changing and I love the vibrant colors I am using now. Perhaps it is due to being older but brighter colors have begun to enter my palette.
I also like to go back to the basics of drawing. My graphite shows this and the need for all artists to return to basic study of line and value . This helps one to see what is relevant.
I try new viewpoints and angles of expression. I do not feel art should be stagnant but continually evolving. In any area of art, I feel that the artist should be experimenting and learning new concepts all the time. I hope to do this as long as I can draw and paint.
Awards and Exhibitions
NAEA First Award
Art Teacher of the Year 2014
Liberty City Hall Exhibition, Liberty, MO.
Shirley Stiles Gallery at Westwood City Hall, Westwood, Kansas